New Roadside Systems Integration with MBS Adds Service Vehicle GPS Tracking


CDG is pleased to announce the integration of Roadside Systems API GPS tracking and vehicle data into MBS. This integration will allow customers to see the location of service vehicles on dispatch maps accessible through MBS, in addition to other important features.

“Incorporating data from Roadside Systems into MBS has provided obvious advantages for the client in terms of planning and scheduling their field jobs, because it allows them to see their service vehicles and vehicle information on the same maps they use to track their trouble tickets and tasks,” says CDG Vice President of Product Development Mike Chalk.

Tools like this add more efficiency and accountability to our customer’s operations. CDG is constantly evaluating partner tools like Roadside Systems to improve our B/OSS technology. Integrations like this help CDG live out the mission of our MBS platform to provide a highly flexible, full-service modular B/OSS system for billing and managing telecommunications and non-telecom services.

We can’t wait to hear about how this innovation helps clients improve their operations and better serve their end customers.